Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Apple streusel muffins (with failed crumble)

Do you have any idea which species of apples have you been eating?
I only know Fuji apples. Opps.
Because on this small tropical island country, apples are available at any time of the year and the most common is Fuji.
I have never heard or seen of applesauce until I came across this recipe!!!
Can you believe?
Well, we do not really need to preserve the apples, there's no winter here...

So definitely I cant find any applesauce in the local supermarkets and I attempted to make my own applesauce...hee Basically it's just cooking the apples till mashy and jam-like texture.
I use Royal Gala apples (and 1 Red Delicious apple coz I run out of Gala apples).
I think next time I should try using Fuji apples, just to sample the different tastes.

Tadah my apple muffins!

Please forgive my failed crumble toppings, I think the butter was too soft and there was too much butter.
Apart from the ugly crumble, the apple muffins actually tasted pretty nice, just a little bit too soft.
But I may not give this recipe another try; first applesauce is time-consuming and secondly the recipe was to make 12 muffins but it ended up with hardly 10 muffins. That's annoying =P

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