Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Banana cinnamon muffins with walnuts

After another failed attempt at baking cakes, I need some encouragement and motivation.
SO, I decided to bake some muffins!
How about my favourite banana muffins?!

This time round, I used a new recipe taken from here.
It was pretty simple; just mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and the wet ones in another bowl and then fold them together. You don't even need electric mixer, just a hand whisk will do.

Started the baking....

Rising rising....

Almost done!
Now the wonderful cinnamon aroma is filling the whole house and making me a happy person :)

Cooling on the rack.

And Ready to be Devoured!
By Me! =P

Love the muffin texture! And cinnamon smell is great with the crunchiness from the walnuts!
Just a little pity that the banana scent is not as strong as I like;
I'm the type who loves strong banana scent, maybe next time I will add some banana essence.

Pardon the half-eaten muffin, I just want to show the texture of the muffin.
This kind of texture I like.


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