Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

Berries, berries,berries, I love them all!
Especially Blueberries!
But it's a pity that I'm living in a tropical island country, with very little access to temperate fruits like berries, peaches etc. By the time these fruits were imported here, they were not that fresh and sweet and were often very expensive.
So I must make some blueberry muffins before the season ends and they are gone.

Can you see the blueberries?!!

Rising rising! Muffins do not seem to rise as much as cupcakes, but they still rise beautifully~

Almost done! The smell coming out of the oven is heavenly!

Freshly done!

Ready to be devoured!!!

Blueberries oozing out everywhere!

The muffins (recipe) tasted great; soft like cake yet still moist but not as dense as cupcakes.
And the juices from the burst blueberries were oozing out everywhere, tasted a bit like blueberry jam but so much better. The only sad thing is the blueberries are sour (I forgot to taste them before adding).
Anyway I still fell in love with the muffins on the first bite; can't stop myself from popping them into my mouth ^o^

Just a note: I have no idea what the cup volume for blueberries in the recipe is (I use metric measurements); anyway I made 12 muffins and I used 250g of blueberries which is sufficient enough.

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