Monday, April 2, 2012

Blueberry Muffins II

Sorry for disappearing for the past few months!
I have been lazy and also got a bit tired of baking (maybe due to overbaking in Dec);
On top of that, the electricity bills had gotten really scary :(

Anyway, here are some overdue photos;
I baked made some lemon and lime cheese cupcakes- the no-bake type.
Adding lime really brings the cheesecake to a whole new level, it was so refreshing and appetising! Nice!

And  I baked some chinese walnut cookies for Chinese New Year! I like walnuts!

And recently I started to crave for some lovely homemade blueberry muffins!
I just love blueberries! *drools*

It was my 2nd time baking blueberry muffins and I used another recipe this time.
The muffins rise really beautifully and look great!
Taste-wise, the texture is the typically muffin texture, a bit spongy/chewy, in between bread and cake.
But the blueberry taste is not strong enough (think should add more blueberries); the vanilla+eggy smell overpowers the blueberry taste.
Comparing this to the other recipe, I prefer the latter coz in that recipe, the cupcakes are oozing bursting with blueberry taste (the way I like). 

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