Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Apple streusel muffins (with failed crumble)

Do you have any idea which species of apples have you been eating?
I only know Fuji apples. Opps.
Because on this small tropical island country, apples are available at any time of the year and the most common is Fuji.
I have never heard or seen of applesauce until I came across this recipe!!!
Can you believe?
Well, we do not really need to preserve the apples, there's no winter here...

So definitely I cant find any applesauce in the local supermarkets and I attempted to make my own applesauce...hee Basically it's just cooking the apples till mashy and jam-like texture.
I use Royal Gala apples (and 1 Red Delicious apple coz I run out of Gala apples).
I think next time I should try using Fuji apples, just to sample the different tastes.

Tadah my apple muffins!

Please forgive my failed crumble toppings, I think the butter was too soft and there was too much butter.
Apart from the ugly crumble, the apple muffins actually tasted pretty nice, just a little bit too soft.
But I may not give this recipe another try; first applesauce is time-consuming and secondly the recipe was to make 12 muffins but it ended up with hardly 10 muffins. That's annoying =P

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Banana cinnamon muffins with walnuts

After another failed attempt at baking cakes, I need some encouragement and motivation.
SO, I decided to bake some muffins!
How about my favourite banana muffins?!

This time round, I used a new recipe taken from here.
It was pretty simple; just mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and the wet ones in another bowl and then fold them together. You don't even need electric mixer, just a hand whisk will do.

Started the baking....

Rising rising....

Almost done!
Now the wonderful cinnamon aroma is filling the whole house and making me a happy person :)

Cooling on the rack.

And Ready to be Devoured!
By Me! =P

Love the muffin texture! And cinnamon smell is great with the crunchiness from the walnuts!
Just a little pity that the banana scent is not as strong as I like;
I'm the type who loves strong banana scent, maybe next time I will add some banana essence.

Pardon the half-eaten muffin, I just want to show the texture of the muffin.
This kind of texture I like.


A failed attempt- Marble Cake

I wasn't too satisfied with the birthday cake I baked for my hubby the previous time, so I decided to give it another try at baking cake!
And I thought of baking a marble cake since it's one of my favourites.

With a recipe in hand, I went ahead to try it out.

I tried to make some pretty patterns using the melted chocolate, but it turned out a bit hideous since it was my first time doing this.

Freshly out of the oven.
Why the chocolate didn't melt and mix?

So in the end, my marble cake didn't turn out to be 'marblery', it was just coated with chocolate.
The cake texture also turned out to be slightly rubbery.
Still edible but just not as nice as expected.

I need to try again!